Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Repetition Day

BP: 45x20, 135x15, 185x15, 205x10, 215x10, 225x10
Inc. BP: 135x5, 155x4, 175x3, 195x2, 215x1

-note, inc bp is a glaring weakness

Pushups with feet elevated and band pushdowns: 3 sets to momentary muscular failure

Shrug bar:
Bent over rows: 5 sets, 10 reps, 135lbs
Upright shrug/rows: 3 sets. 10 reps, 135lbs

Curls: 2 sets of easy 'heirarchial' style ascending work.

Abs: banded incline sit ups: This is an interesting and tough move, with resistance provided at the top. 3 sets of 9, 5, 4 using minis to provide resistance followed by 3 sets of standing abs with the light band.

I am very weak. I am out of shape. I need to start making consistent training a priority."

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Conner's new favorite t-shirt, from his buddy and mine, Nick M, a stuntman who worked on the movie in question. Conner says "Thanks Nick!" Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005


Conner's appointment at U of M was positive. The team handling the case answered my questions and took all the time we needed.

See the full report here:

Conner's Cranio Blog

I cut and pasted that from an email, so it looks a bit disjointed.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sunset, Saturday June 11th, Ludington State Park, Michigan Posted by Hello

Samara at Sundown Posted by Hello

Fun in the Sun Posted by Hello

The Weekend

Took some time out to head over to Ludington, MI, this weekend, which is on the west coast of the state.

If you've never been there, and you live in Michigan, you don't know what you are missing. The coastline between Ludington and the Ludington State Park is ~8 miles of fine sand beaches and dunes. Beautiful.

You can park your car out and walk down to Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan wasn't as cold as I expected, and I was in the water every day we were there. The in-laws have a cottage in town, and it's a great, inexpensive getaway for the whole family.

I needed a bit of time away from home to get my mind off stuff, anyway.

To Tagg and all those guys from his blog

Thanks for dropping by and for the words of encouragement.

I have started an informational blog here for Conner:

Conner's Cranio

Tomorrow we go and meet with a well respected senior pediatric neurosurgeon and a pediatric neurologist/oncologist down in Ann Arbor. The neurosurgeon is Dr. Karin Muraszko, who's the chair of the neurosurgery department at the U of M Medical School.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Exercise Helps

Exercise helps
The nervousness and anxiety regarding my son.

Today, outside, while the girl napped I did circuits.

1. kb drill (swings, c&js, snatches, windmills)
2. sled drag (heavy facing forwards and backwards)
3. bodyweight calisthenics (squats, push ups, burpees)

did about 4-5 circuits, wasn't paying attention.

and some sprints

Sweated a lot.

Felt good though, and it felt nice being outside.

This was conditioning work, and done at a high, albeit not Crossfit, level of intensity of effort.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Lifting Unmotivated

I am not motivated, but I need to lift.

Seated Overhead Pin Press w/no back support:

135x5 (harder than I thought. This is stupid weak)
155x5 (not bad, but not good)
175x3, 3, 3 (tough...not a maximal 3, but probably within the 85-90% 3RM range)

-This is an entirely new movement for me, and I am doing it because I lack the height in the basement for standing OHPs.
-Might have to move the pins down one hole.
-This also involves a bit of bach arching I'm not real comfortable, I'm going to keep it kinda light
-Grip? Approximately shoulder width, or ~1" wider each side.

Sled Drags outside. Forwards and Backwards. About 4-5 trips each way, going fast with little rest. Very winded.

Just an afterwards: I feel better now. Hot, winded, sweaty, but better. Exercise does help take your mind off the rest of the stuff going on that might be getting you down.

Thanks to my boys Riddle and BA for telling me to get off my ass and do something.