Monday, October 31, 2005

Find Your Way Back

135x10, 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 365x5

-easy. not ready to push, want to strengthen the muscles around my knees again.

1H kb swings: 72kg x 5R/5L, 3 sets total.

-pretty easy

BWP 1A circuit (see previous post for more info on it)

Sumo Power Squat/Egyptian Push up/Bridge Cross

20/20/10, 14/18/7, 16/17/6

GHR sit ups: 7, 7, and powerful

Feeling good.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Once Forsaken


135x5, 135x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x5, 265x5, 285x3

-left 2 reps in the tank on the last set. am setting up for a 5x5 type of scheme, and don't want to overintensify yet. haven't benched in this fashion for at least 5 years.

KB press: 12kg, 16kg, 24kg x 15, 15, 10

-shoulders weak and small, dammit.

Circuit 1B from "Bodyweight Power"

T-jumps/Bridge pulls/Circle Push ups.

18/10/5R+5L, 14/10/5L+3R, 11/10/5R+3L

3 circuits damn near left me on the floor. Brutal. I fell down after the last set of t-jumps and it took me 20 seconds to get back up.

Am kind of integrating Dan John's One Lift A Day stuff with some metabolic conditioning. Worked very well for me in the past.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Damn. Chained to Misery of the World

Deadlift: Worked up to 405x1 for 5 singles with 10 seconds rest in between, then 435x1, 455x1

-weird soreness in my pecs and jaw after this. I haven't deadlifted in at least 6 months, maybe more.

Bryce Lane's "Bodyweight Power" circuit 1A

-3 trips through

Sumo Power squats 20/10/14
Egyptian push ups 20/12/16
Bridge Crosses 10/5/7

HR was approximately 160 bpm immediately after the third circuit, and I am sweating and breathing like bastard.

I am going to follow the pattern of 1-2 big lifts followed by metabolic conditioning work for a while, and hopefully keep it up on a daily basis.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I am sick and tired of asswipes who have had everything handed them to on a silver platter blathering on and on about "adversity" and overcoming it.

These lame individuals feel that adversity is when they can't get a their double latte with chocolate in it in less than 10 minutes, and they always have some pseudo-scientific babble they ripped off some self-help or success guru to try to beef up their incoherent ramblings.

Who knows how to overcome adversity? You need to go no further than your nearest hospital and enter the children's areas. See those sick, sometimes terminall ill kids comfort their grieving parents and relatives, and being cheerful enough to make their nurses and doctors smile.

Kids are so resilient and positive. My own son Conner has had to overcome too much adversity in his short life. All I can do is watch him handle it and be humbled. Conner, buddy, you'll probably never read this but I am very proud of you and I want to congratulate you on your attitude and how you've kept coming back after all this crap that's happened.

We could all take a lesson from how kids handle this stuff: Roll with the punches, then go play.

Banjo & Sullivan

My boy Taggart, a formerly buff powerlifter dude, who's getting ready for a bodybuilding shot right now gave me the heads up on this goofy honky tonk CD.

Good stuff, good music, and worth more than a few laughs.

For those who don't know, Banjo and Sullivan are featured in Rob Zombie's new movie "The Devil's Rejects"

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It's Over

My son's radiation therapy is over, so I will no longer by driving to Ann Arbor thrice weekly. I'd like to give a shout out to all the valet's at the Gandy Dancer. WASSUP HOMIES!!!!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Bench Complex:

BP/Explosive Push Up:

225x5/5; 5 sets. 1 minute between pu and bp. 30 seconds between bp and pu.

-note: bp felt light (and they should, damn it.)

Shrug Bar series
1. Bent row
2. Bent shrug
3. Upright shrug row
4. Shrugs

2 45s on the bar, 10 reps each exercise, 3 circuits.

-note: surprisingly strenuous. lots of upper/mid back pump

KB and Abs circuit:
1. Windmills (L+R)
2. 1H OHS (L+R)
3. GHR sit ups

5 reps each side and on the GHR sits, 5 circuits. I am dripping with sweat and obliques and abs are burning

Smoked. Took a bit over an hour, and I was dicking a bit.