Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Why kbs?

I don't have the focus for heavy and skillful stuff.

Not right now. Shitty sleep, general stress, no motivation or willpower.

I am hammering on the CoC handgrippers. I am regularly closing my hard #2 (not everytime I pick it up, but enough so it's a noticable improvement).

Bob L would be so proud.

Ran through the Burgener 100 (see below) with the 16kg kb and then the 24kg kb.

-very tough on the lungs.
-conditioning is crap.
-my posterior chain and traps get sore from this.
-I need to pick up some cinderblocks to add ROM to the squat-pulls
-My kb snatches need work with the heavier bells.
-The B100 series would be a nice warmup, maybe in conjunction with some joint mobility. Maxwell's JM & R seems to be working well for me.

Did some ab work on the stability ball afterwards.

I am looking at 5:30 am metabolic conditioning workouts in the near future, followed by heavier work in the PM.

1 comment:

Jake said...

Steve, try some KB front squats. A lot harder than it sounds
