Thursday, October 06, 2005


Bench Complex:

BP/Explosive Push Up:

225x5/5; 5 sets. 1 minute between pu and bp. 30 seconds between bp and pu.

-note: bp felt light (and they should, damn it.)

Shrug Bar series
1. Bent row
2. Bent shrug
3. Upright shrug row
4. Shrugs

2 45s on the bar, 10 reps each exercise, 3 circuits.

-note: surprisingly strenuous. lots of upper/mid back pump

KB and Abs circuit:
1. Windmills (L+R)
2. 1H OHS (L+R)
3. GHR sit ups

5 reps each side and on the GHR sits, 5 circuits. I am dripping with sweat and obliques and abs are burning

Smoked. Took a bit over an hour, and I was dicking a bit.

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