Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Repetition Day

BP: 45x20, 135x15, 185x15, 205x10, 215x10, 225x10
Inc. BP: 135x5, 155x4, 175x3, 195x2, 215x1

-note, inc bp is a glaring weakness

Pushups with feet elevated and band pushdowns: 3 sets to momentary muscular failure

Shrug bar:
Bent over rows: 5 sets, 10 reps, 135lbs
Upright shrug/rows: 3 sets. 10 reps, 135lbs

Curls: 2 sets of easy 'heirarchial' style ascending work.

Abs: banded incline sit ups: This is an interesting and tough move, with resistance provided at the top. 3 sets of 9, 5, 4 using minis to provide resistance followed by 3 sets of standing abs with the light band.

I am very weak. I am out of shape. I need to start making consistent training a priority."

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