Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Why kbs?

I don't have the focus for heavy and skillful stuff.

Not right now. Shitty sleep, general stress, no motivation or willpower.

I am hammering on the CoC handgrippers. I am regularly closing my hard #2 (not everytime I pick it up, but enough so it's a noticable improvement).

Bob L would be so proud.

Ran through the Burgener 100 (see below) with the 16kg kb and then the 24kg kb.

-very tough on the lungs.
-conditioning is crap.
-my posterior chain and traps get sore from this.
-I need to pick up some cinderblocks to add ROM to the squat-pulls
-My kb snatches need work with the heavier bells.
-The B100 series would be a nice warmup, maybe in conjunction with some joint mobility. Maxwell's JM & R seems to be working well for me.

Did some ab work on the stability ball afterwards.

I am looking at 5:30 am metabolic conditioning workouts in the near future, followed by heavier work in the PM.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ugly, Slow, Weak

Did some benching today:

From the bottom start with the 2" bar: Up to 305. 315 was missed 3 times, once after each successful attempt at 305. Ugly. Weak. Slow

Regular bench via touch and go: 345x1. Ugly. Slow. Weak

Some rotator cuff work with bands.

Then I tried Mike Burgener's kettlebell circuit:

2H squat-pulls: 20
1H squat-pulls: 10+10
2H swings: 20
1H swings: 10+10
1H snatches: 10+10

I did that with the 16kg, with no rest. It wasn't super hard, but it sure got my breathing and heart rate up.

Then I did some other goofy crap I won't even mention.

I seem to be avoiding any kind of upper body work. OK. I'm avoiding any workouts at all.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Up and At 'Em

Jesus, been a long time since I've added anything. Nice session today though.

Squats: 135x20, 225x12, 315x5, 405x1, 425x1, 445x1
-heavier singles were easy, but slow...rock bottom depth.

OHS: Form and Flexibility work: 45x10, 10, 10

Kb windmills: 16kgx8, 25kgx8, 32kgx5
-for some reason, I really like these for core work and shoulder stabilization

RKC Armbars: 4kgx5, 8kgx5, 12kgx5
-mostly for pec stretching, shoulder stabilization

Standing abs: Light JSB: 20, 20, 20

Immediate goals:

1. Get through my son's radiation therapy without going insane. He's doing quite well though, and he's braver and stronger than me.
2. Get used to regular lifting again
3. Lose some blubber.

A quick note: I've been doing Scott Sonnon's Warrior Wellness beginner program for about 3 weeks now, trying to do the routine every day, either upon rising or before bed. I am noticably looser and it seems to be helping my shoulders. I add some of Pavel's Superjoint moves to the routine to help with extra shoulder and knee lubrication.