Thursday, September 08, 2005

Up and At 'Em

Jesus, been a long time since I've added anything. Nice session today though.

Squats: 135x20, 225x12, 315x5, 405x1, 425x1, 445x1
-heavier singles were easy, but slow...rock bottom depth.

OHS: Form and Flexibility work: 45x10, 10, 10

Kb windmills: 16kgx8, 25kgx8, 32kgx5
-for some reason, I really like these for core work and shoulder stabilization

RKC Armbars: 4kgx5, 8kgx5, 12kgx5
-mostly for pec stretching, shoulder stabilization

Standing abs: Light JSB: 20, 20, 20

Immediate goals:

1. Get through my son's radiation therapy without going insane. He's doing quite well though, and he's braver and stronger than me.
2. Get used to regular lifting again
3. Lose some blubber.

A quick note: I've been doing Scott Sonnon's Warrior Wellness beginner program for about 3 weeks now, trying to do the routine every day, either upon rising or before bed. I am noticably looser and it seems to be helping my shoulders. I add some of Pavel's Superjoint moves to the routine to help with extra shoulder and knee lubrication.

1 comment:

mysickmind said...

sluts are great, but don't ya hate when they spam?

Hey shaf, good to see you lifting!