Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Power and Bulk :: View topic - REMEDIAL TRAINING for the DETRAINED - Shaf's Log: "11/30

warm up
CGBP: 135x10, 10, 10, 225x5, 5
BP: 275x1, 295x1, 315x1, 335x0, 335x1, 275x6, 225x7

-I wanted to test a 1RM, but it was ugly and it pissed me off

Back and Bi stuff: Assorted crap...rows, chins, kelso surg stuff, band rear delt work, curls, reverse curls...a fuck around kind of thing

Jumprope/KB ballistics circuit (also known as High Octane Cardio)

1 minute of rope
10 kb swings each arm
1 minute of rope
10 kb snatches each arm
1 minute of rope
10 kb c&js each arm
1 minute of rope
20 DARC swings

Ab work."

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Now Twice as Sexy!

Power and Bulk :: View topic - REMEDIAL TRAINING for the DETRAINED - Shaf's Log: "11/29/05

BW: 265#

Warmup: The Dan John/Steve Maxwell thing listed in the latest Hardstyle

1. Halos - 25# plate
2. Bootstrapper/Squat combos - 12 kg kb
3. Windmills - 12 kg kb

-three runs through. A nice little combo, I have to admit.

Power Clean:

135x1 floor/2 hang: x5
185x3 (floor only): x3

-form is not 'on'. Haven't done these in 10-11 months. Plus a spasm formed right beneath my right scapula. HOICH!

Front Squat 1 kb OHS*

135x5, 135x10, 135x10
12kgx5 5, 12kgx10 10, 12kgx10 10

*Don't ask my why, I don't fucking know. 1H kb OHS work out the kinks in the core for me. First set and everything kind of cracks a bit. This shit makes me sweat.

GHR/HB RDLs (hex bar RDLs) - My GHR sucks.

5/135x10, 5/135x10, 5/135x10 - added a surg to the last HBRDL set.

Just for the hell of it, I tried the B-Circuit....look over on Bryce Lane's board to see what this is. The leg B-Circuit. Not fun. Especially unfun the second time through. Bryce goes through it 7-10 times. Me? 2.

Welcome to hell."

Monday, November 21, 2005

Now for something completely different

The Maxwell/John Minimal warmup:

1. Halos 15 reps each way
2. KB bootstrapper: 15 reps x 16kg kb
3. Windmills: 5 reos L+R 16kg kb

2 run throughs.

Enough to warm me up but not mess up my minimal work capacity.

The hex bar was sitting there on the floor:

Hex bar deadlift:

135x10. 225x10, 315x10, 405x5 (1), 405x7 (2), 455x3 (3)

(1) Grip issues. By the fifth rep it was slipping from my hands
(2) Grip issues. Used chalk. Exercise actually got hard before I lost my grip.
(3) Grip issues again. Slipping by rep 3. To be fair, 4-5 reps is my maximum here.

Hex Bar High Pull Shrug

225x12, 315x8

-moderately tough, but not to failure.

After that, I had a mishap with my loading sling that landed me face first on my mat. Very funny.

chins and bridge pulls...not good numbers here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

First I bench, then I squat

Benched yesterday.

Did ladders with 295. Felt pretty easy, so I was pleased with that bit of ground regained. Followed each ladder with plyo push ups. Then some back work.

Today is squatting.

135x5, 5, 5; 225x5; 315x5; 365x5; 405x2...

Let's just call this a total pussed out session, lost my focus for heavy shit for some reason, and the 405 felt weird. I am experienced enough to know when to can it. And now was one of those times.

1H KB Thruster: 16kg x 12r, 11L, 9r, 9L, 10R, 10L, 10R, 10L, 10R, 10L

*easy my ass. my muscles could take it but my heart and breathing couldn't. damn. damn. damn

bridge cross/bridge row: 8/6, 7/7, 8/8

*just to get some back work in funky funky

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Windy City

Was in Chicago this weekend visiting friends and relatives. Had a good time.

My wife says I wasn't "too" grumpy.

I always feel fortunate for not living in the Chicago area. I mean, great place, but the traffic kills me. One of our friends commutes 45 minutes in the morning, then spends an hour, 45 minutes in a commute after she picks up their infant son in the evening.

Holy moly.

I count my blessings as I find them

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Fictional Strength for L'il Dub

Time: ~2 PM
Place: Shaf's Gloryhole
Soundtrack: "Training I" Hard and rap mix

Bench press ladders complexed with explosive push ups

warm up.

285x1/2/3 + 5, 285x1/2 + 5 (1), 285x1/2/3 + 9 (2)

(1) Notice I quit before failure. That second rung was surprisingly hard...I don't think I rested enough.

(2) I got the whole ladder. Why? That whole synaptic facilitation thing, probably. Plus, that third rep was a bitch. Repped out on explosive push ups instead of 225. I stopped when my hands wouldn't leave the floor anymore, i.e. at 9 reps.

Bradford presses:

45x10, 95x10, 115x6, 135x3, 95x8

-note that 1 rep is the movement from front to back to front again. I am noticing a pump on these today. The low reps on the 135 represents a bit of uneasiness with putting the weight behind my neck.

hex bar row/shrug:

135x15/15, 185x7/10, 205x4/8

METCON: BWP 1A circuit (see previous blog entries for explanation)


Shit. Sweaty. Lungs bellowing. Hard to type

Core work. kb windmills and rope rollouts


Good one.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Favor for the Fat Man

Time: ~2:00 PM
Place: Shaf's Gloryhole
Soundtrack: Dropkick Murphy's "Live on St. Patrick's Day"


45x10, 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 365x5, 405x2, 455x1, 405x3, 475x1

-not bad for the detrained

RDLs/Defranco Split Squats
(R or L describes which leg is leading)

45x10/10R+10L, 135x10/10L+10R, 225x10/10R+9L

-Defranco style split squats really hit you when they hit you. Feels good though.

barbell curls/GHR situps: 135x3/10, 135x3/8, 135x3/8

-not bad, curls weren't even close to failure.

Monday, November 07, 2005

It's a Brand New Day

BP: Ladders

135x10, 225x5, 275x1/2/3/1/2/3/1/2/3, 225x10

-not hard, just right for the start.

Bradford presses: 45x20, 95x10, 8, 6

-totally weak and out of shape here

Shrug bar rows + shrugs

135x10/10, 185x8/8, 205x5/5

-weak, really weak

BWP Circuit: 2B

t-jump/bridge row/circle pu

20/10/10, 15/10/8, 14/11/4

Devastating. Almost threw up my greasy spoon lunch

Friday, November 04, 2005

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Damn I'm lazy. And this time change is killing me. And Conner's going through a rough spake with some delayed stress.

And the dishes and laundry are piled up. My father doesn't pay for a maid for me. He's dead anyway, but, hell, he wouldn't pay for a maid if he were alive. He might tell me to stuff that shit under my bed so it was out of sight though.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


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