Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Now Twice as Sexy!

Power and Bulk :: View topic - REMEDIAL TRAINING for the DETRAINED - Shaf's Log: "11/29/05

BW: 265#

Warmup: The Dan John/Steve Maxwell thing listed in the latest Hardstyle

1. Halos - 25# plate
2. Bootstrapper/Squat combos - 12 kg kb
3. Windmills - 12 kg kb

-three runs through. A nice little combo, I have to admit.

Power Clean:

135x1 floor/2 hang: x5
185x3 (floor only): x3

-form is not 'on'. Haven't done these in 10-11 months. Plus a spasm formed right beneath my right scapula. HOICH!

Front Squat 1 kb OHS*

135x5, 135x10, 135x10
12kgx5 5, 12kgx10 10, 12kgx10 10

*Don't ask my why, I don't fucking know. 1H kb OHS work out the kinks in the core for me. First set and everything kind of cracks a bit. This shit makes me sweat.

GHR/HB RDLs (hex bar RDLs) - My GHR sucks.

5/135x10, 5/135x10, 5/135x10 - added a surg to the last HBRDL set.

Just for the hell of it, I tried the B-Circuit....look over on Bryce Lane's board to see what this is. The leg B-Circuit. Not fun. Especially unfun the second time through. Bryce goes through it 7-10 times. Me? 2.

Welcome to hell."

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