Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I Hate Yard Work

For all you goddamn haters, I just wrestled 2 400# pine trees about 35 yards across my lawn, dug huge holes in clay soil, planted those bastards and then cleaned up half the garage. My neighbors love to see a sweating, cursing bald man with his ass hanging out of a pair of cut-off sweats dragging shit around.

I only got into 2 fights with my wife and threw dirt on my daughter once.

I am covered with red pinpricks from the pine needles, and my damn biceps are still really sore from Monday's session.

Dragging pine trees around is better than kettlebell work, isn't it? 8 out of 9 P&B Secret Board members say it is. The ninth is a RKC, and doesn't want to upset the party line that much.


Anonymous said...

How do you know they were 400 lbs? DID you put them on a scale?

Admit it you fell for that scam where you buy trees from an ad in the back of a comic book or Boys Life only to find out they are no bigger then a pencil.

Stop lying , next thing you will write is that you dog talks and like Jessica Alba. How much longer before you smear shit on a friends bathroom mirror???

Anonymous said...

how did you weigh the trees?

Anonymous said...

ok, so my comment looks about as lame as this blog next to anonymous'