Thursday, May 12, 2005

Burnetto Jebus lookin' down on me

Range finding a bit today:

Worked with band set up for both bench and squat. The band pegs absolutely rock. They will also be dy-no-mite for pulling with the bands.

Did some close grip benches, light ones, and some curl grip chins. Surprisingly, I was getting 5-6 reps on the chins.

Rehab/Prehab shit.

Light cuff work with bands, some of the gay kettlebell "drawing and sheathing the sword" movements.

Those who lift in the morning definitely need to try out the "spinal flossing" shit I wrote about earlier in the blog. Makes the back feel nice and ready and warm.

TKEs with a medium band were done, and also some kind of brutal pec stretching. I am attempting to regain lost ROM. I am working on some kind of "knee flossing" movements, and TKEs seem to be a decent start for that.

More things I want/need: Blast straps and a swiss ball.

1 comment:

jimburnetto said...

Nice work on the chins. I can't say anything about anything else because there are no numbers!

In the immortal words of "THE Chuck",

"Where are the numbers you dufus? This writeup sucks."