Thursday, May 12, 2005

A Man with a Plan

Hypertrophy. Just call me Sweet Stevie Hypertrophy. Wait. That's almost unbearably stupid. Thank you for not immediately killing me or calling me gay. (um...Editorial Note: All the homosexuals reading this blog, and you know there are plenty, take no offense. It's not very PC to use the term "gay" as a synonym for stupid, weird, odd or a bit off, but, hey, it's American Vernacular)

A run down.

My triceps: Decimated
My traps: Shrunken
My quads: Decrepit
My shoulders: Not cannonballs, more like grapeshot
My biceps: Not even work mentioning

Basically, I need to get everything back firing again.

I've decided I need to look like a lifter again.

This means heavy, devoted work to three different areas:

1. Traps. Nothing says "God of Power" like traps
2. Middle Back. Always been a weak spot. I am going to fix it good this time. No lat pulldown cop-outs, it's going to be a chin and row kind of equipment might limit you in some ways, but in others, its' liberating. Paul Kelso's "The Shrug Book" is going get a lot of use here as well.
3. Shoulders: This become problematic. I am going to experiment with jumpstretch bands for shoulder movements. I am also going to have to move to seated pressing, since the ceiling is too low for standing pressing. I will look at pictures of fat Anthony Ditillo pressing out of a half-rack for motivation. I need to be very careful here, not to mess up my shoulders. Balancing bench work and shoulder work is often tough for me. I am going to review some strandpulling literature as well. If you look at strandpullers, they often have outstanding shoulder development.

EDITORIAL NOTE: Kettlebells. I forgot about the kettlebells. There lots of potential shoulder moves there as well.

The future of olympic lifting for me doesn't look too promising. Don't get me wrong, I really like the olympic lifts, but will be limited in what I can do. No bumper plates + low ceiling = rough road ahead for jerks.

Nutrition is going to become a higher priority. I am getting too long in the tooth to leave that potential on the table anymore.

And for now, dear readers, good night.

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