Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Neglecting the Blog


I'm feeling a bit, lately. Enough to fuck with my sleeping patterns.

Some interesting opportunities have jumped into my path, and persuing them is both a battle against my own tendency to procrastinate and some very real financial barriers. There are also about 6 short stories I want to finish, and I need to hone the writing again, since it's stilted and stagnant.

Oh well. It'll happen or it won't.

My two goals this week:

1. Figure out small business financing
2. Get my basement gym together and start regular training again.

As far as #2, it's been too long.

1-2 sessions a week isn't enough. Never has been for me. Always done better with increased frequency as long as the quality's been consistent.

I have some other projects I'm considering, including an article or two for mi amigo Dan John's newsletter. I average about one article for him every 18 months or so. Most of them are kind of stream-of-consciousness rants about training, full of ideas, but somewhat incoherent.

As far as the home gym, this is what I'll have:

1. Rack
2. Adjustable bench
3. GHR-once again, there are some issues with it that I need to resolve.
4. Plates...lots and lots of plates
5. Kettlebells, 4kg, 8kg, 12kg, 16kg, 24kg, and a 32kg
6. Jumpstretch bands
7. 1-2 barbells
8. Dragging sled
9. Big tractor tire left over from my strongman days
10. Assorted grip work...Bob L is breathing a sigh of relief.

The big thing I need is dumbbells.


I think it'll be basic, WSB template kind of stuff, with the best of the kb moves thrown in. I'll probably divide the workouts into two sessions a day, first session will be the ME and Speed work, with ~4-5 hours rest in between, and the second session will be accessory and hypertrophy and metabolic conditioning work.

I haven't really pushed myself in training for a long time. I am going to make sure to get my eating habits in line, and see how it all falls out.

Sounds like a big commitment, for the original (and now only)member of the Midland Detraining Crew

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