Wednesday, May 25, 2005



275x1/2/3, 1/2/3, x1/2/3

-successful completion of 3 ladders tells me to bump the weight up.

Why close grips? Greater ROM, less stress on my shoulders, overall, more valuable to me at this point in time.

Especially since I haven't made any board stacks yet (nor boxes, for that matter)

Goofy shit:
Axle CGBP with 2x light band from bottom position (note, axle is 35, not 45 lbs)
2x light band: 3 went all over, goofy as hell.
125 + 2x LB: 1 rep: stabler, but hard and slow
145 + 2x LB: 1/2 way up, then stalled
125 + 2x LB: 1 rep...easier than the first.

-calling it good enough for that.

Rows hanging from barbell with feet on the bench:
10, 10 (curl grip), 10

Chins: 3 sets of 3 (pathetic, I know)

1 comment:

jimburnetto said...

look, real numbers!!!!

Looking good, now go make some board stacks!!