Tuesday, May 31, 2005

One Moment, and Everything's Different

On Friday, May 27th, I learned my son Conner, pictured below, has a brain tumor. The pediatritian had ordered a CT scan because of his recurring headaches, on the off chance they'd find something.

They found what appears to be a classic craniopharyngioma. A slow growing and benign tumor that takes up space around the pituitary.

One moment, and everything changes.

That's all it takes.


Helena à Paris said...

My best thoughts for you and your son from the other side of the world.

mysickmind said...

damn, that is heartbreaking! at least his prognosis is positive. Good luck to him and your whole family.

I know where you're coming from. My brother was diagnosed with a brain tumor, but so far is refusing treatment... thank god, my mri and cat scan revealed severe abcess and sinusitus thru 100% of my nasal cavities, simple operation and i'm done...

keep strong, mentally physically and spiritually, partner!

Anonymous said...

Got your blog off Crossfit. Explains a lot to me. I'll keep you both in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

As a parent I am always affected by situations like this that have impacted other parents. Hang touch for your kid. they can feed off our emotions so stay positive for him. fortunately the tumor is begin, but that dosen't make surgery and easier when it's a kid.

take care


Anonymous said...

Stay strong bro.Your boy needs you right now.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. Stay strong for your little guy and know that my thoughts are with you.
