Thursday, December 08, 2005

05-Dec-7 Session

Power and Bulk :: View topic - REMEDIAL TRAINING for the DETRAINED - Shaf's Log: "05Dec-7

WU: lotsa ohs's

Squat: 135x3, 225x3, 315x3, 405x3, 455x3, 475x2

VID OF 475x2 is here:

Some split squats, some GMs, some band leg curls"

05-Dec-6 session

Power and Bulk :: View topic - REMEDIAL TRAINING for the DETRAINED - Shaf's Log: "12/06

DJSM WU, 2 cycles
Shoulder/Chest moves from Resilient, 2 cycles

Bottom Bench, cg: using the appolon's axle.

135x1, x10; 225x1, x5; 305x1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0

-the singles with 305 were done with a minute between each attempt, and I stopped after the first miss.


pushups with feet on balance ball (to failure)
tri-grip rows (5-6 reps each grip)
bridge pull (8-10 reps depending on fatigue)

3 times through the triset...this was to work my back pretty thoroughly, but with lighter weight

GHR max ROM situps: 8, 8, 5 - caught up to me fast
strap fall outs (think barbell rollouts but done with a strap suspended from the ceiling), 4, 3, 3 - I terminated a set when I fell down.

Metcon circuit:
jump rope, 1 minute fast 120-150 jpm, 32kg kb C&Js 5R 5L

The metcon circuit, as usual, kicked my ass."

05-Dec-1 session

Power and Bulk :: View topic - REMEDIAL TRAINING for the DETRAINED - Shaf's Log: "Video Training Session


DJSM warm up. Will have some vids of the movements a bit later.


135x10, 225x10, 315x5, 365x5, 405x5, 455x1, 475x1, 495x0

Some other stuff.

Rangefinding and working on conditioning"

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Power and Bulk :: View topic - REMEDIAL TRAINING for the DETRAINED - Shaf's Log: "11/30

warm up
CGBP: 135x10, 10, 10, 225x5, 5
BP: 275x1, 295x1, 315x1, 335x0, 335x1, 275x6, 225x7

-I wanted to test a 1RM, but it was ugly and it pissed me off

Back and Bi stuff: Assorted crap...rows, chins, kelso surg stuff, band rear delt work, curls, reverse curls...a fuck around kind of thing

Jumprope/KB ballistics circuit (also known as High Octane Cardio)

1 minute of rope
10 kb swings each arm
1 minute of rope
10 kb snatches each arm
1 minute of rope
10 kb c&js each arm
1 minute of rope
20 DARC swings

Ab work."

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Now Twice as Sexy!

Power and Bulk :: View topic - REMEDIAL TRAINING for the DETRAINED - Shaf's Log: "11/29/05

BW: 265#

Warmup: The Dan John/Steve Maxwell thing listed in the latest Hardstyle

1. Halos - 25# plate
2. Bootstrapper/Squat combos - 12 kg kb
3. Windmills - 12 kg kb

-three runs through. A nice little combo, I have to admit.

Power Clean:

135x1 floor/2 hang: x5
185x3 (floor only): x3

-form is not 'on'. Haven't done these in 10-11 months. Plus a spasm formed right beneath my right scapula. HOICH!

Front Squat 1 kb OHS*

135x5, 135x10, 135x10
12kgx5 5, 12kgx10 10, 12kgx10 10

*Don't ask my why, I don't fucking know. 1H kb OHS work out the kinks in the core for me. First set and everything kind of cracks a bit. This shit makes me sweat.

GHR/HB RDLs (hex bar RDLs) - My GHR sucks.

5/135x10, 5/135x10, 5/135x10 - added a surg to the last HBRDL set.

Just for the hell of it, I tried the B-Circuit....look over on Bryce Lane's board to see what this is. The leg B-Circuit. Not fun. Especially unfun the second time through. Bryce goes through it 7-10 times. Me? 2.

Welcome to hell."

Monday, November 21, 2005

Now for something completely different

The Maxwell/John Minimal warmup:

1. Halos 15 reps each way
2. KB bootstrapper: 15 reps x 16kg kb
3. Windmills: 5 reos L+R 16kg kb

2 run throughs.

Enough to warm me up but not mess up my minimal work capacity.

The hex bar was sitting there on the floor:

Hex bar deadlift:

135x10. 225x10, 315x10, 405x5 (1), 405x7 (2), 455x3 (3)

(1) Grip issues. By the fifth rep it was slipping from my hands
(2) Grip issues. Used chalk. Exercise actually got hard before I lost my grip.
(3) Grip issues again. Slipping by rep 3. To be fair, 4-5 reps is my maximum here.

Hex Bar High Pull Shrug

225x12, 315x8

-moderately tough, but not to failure.

After that, I had a mishap with my loading sling that landed me face first on my mat. Very funny.

chins and bridge pulls...not good numbers here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

First I bench, then I squat

Benched yesterday.

Did ladders with 295. Felt pretty easy, so I was pleased with that bit of ground regained. Followed each ladder with plyo push ups. Then some back work.

Today is squatting.

135x5, 5, 5; 225x5; 315x5; 365x5; 405x2...

Let's just call this a total pussed out session, lost my focus for heavy shit for some reason, and the 405 felt weird. I am experienced enough to know when to can it. And now was one of those times.

1H KB Thruster: 16kg x 12r, 11L, 9r, 9L, 10R, 10L, 10R, 10L, 10R, 10L

*easy my ass. my muscles could take it but my heart and breathing couldn't. damn. damn. damn

bridge cross/bridge row: 8/6, 7/7, 8/8

*just to get some back work in funky funky

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Windy City

Was in Chicago this weekend visiting friends and relatives. Had a good time.

My wife says I wasn't "too" grumpy.

I always feel fortunate for not living in the Chicago area. I mean, great place, but the traffic kills me. One of our friends commutes 45 minutes in the morning, then spends an hour, 45 minutes in a commute after she picks up their infant son in the evening.

Holy moly.

I count my blessings as I find them

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Fictional Strength for L'il Dub

Time: ~2 PM
Place: Shaf's Gloryhole
Soundtrack: "Training I" Hard and rap mix

Bench press ladders complexed with explosive push ups

warm up.

285x1/2/3 + 5, 285x1/2 + 5 (1), 285x1/2/3 + 9 (2)

(1) Notice I quit before failure. That second rung was surprisingly hard...I don't think I rested enough.

(2) I got the whole ladder. Why? That whole synaptic facilitation thing, probably. Plus, that third rep was a bitch. Repped out on explosive push ups instead of 225. I stopped when my hands wouldn't leave the floor anymore, i.e. at 9 reps.

Bradford presses:

45x10, 95x10, 115x6, 135x3, 95x8

-note that 1 rep is the movement from front to back to front again. I am noticing a pump on these today. The low reps on the 135 represents a bit of uneasiness with putting the weight behind my neck.

hex bar row/shrug:

135x15/15, 185x7/10, 205x4/8

METCON: BWP 1A circuit (see previous blog entries for explanation)


Shit. Sweaty. Lungs bellowing. Hard to type

Core work. kb windmills and rope rollouts


Good one.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Favor for the Fat Man

Time: ~2:00 PM
Place: Shaf's Gloryhole
Soundtrack: Dropkick Murphy's "Live on St. Patrick's Day"


45x10, 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 365x5, 405x2, 455x1, 405x3, 475x1

-not bad for the detrained

RDLs/Defranco Split Squats
(R or L describes which leg is leading)

45x10/10R+10L, 135x10/10L+10R, 225x10/10R+9L

-Defranco style split squats really hit you when they hit you. Feels good though.

barbell curls/GHR situps: 135x3/10, 135x3/8, 135x3/8

-not bad, curls weren't even close to failure.

Monday, November 07, 2005

It's a Brand New Day

BP: Ladders

135x10, 225x5, 275x1/2/3/1/2/3/1/2/3, 225x10

-not hard, just right for the start.

Bradford presses: 45x20, 95x10, 8, 6

-totally weak and out of shape here

Shrug bar rows + shrugs

135x10/10, 185x8/8, 205x5/5

-weak, really weak

BWP Circuit: 2B

t-jump/bridge row/circle pu

20/10/10, 15/10/8, 14/11/4

Devastating. Almost threw up my greasy spoon lunch

Friday, November 04, 2005

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Damn I'm lazy. And this time change is killing me. And Conner's going through a rough spake with some delayed stress.

And the dishes and laundry are piled up. My father doesn't pay for a maid for me. He's dead anyway, but, hell, he wouldn't pay for a maid if he were alive. He might tell me to stuff that shit under my bed so it was out of sight though.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


 Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 31, 2005

Find Your Way Back

135x10, 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 365x5

-easy. not ready to push, want to strengthen the muscles around my knees again.

1H kb swings: 72kg x 5R/5L, 3 sets total.

-pretty easy

BWP 1A circuit (see previous post for more info on it)

Sumo Power Squat/Egyptian Push up/Bridge Cross

20/20/10, 14/18/7, 16/17/6

GHR sit ups: 7, 7, and powerful

Feeling good.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Once Forsaken


135x5, 135x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x5, 265x5, 285x3

-left 2 reps in the tank on the last set. am setting up for a 5x5 type of scheme, and don't want to overintensify yet. haven't benched in this fashion for at least 5 years.

KB press: 12kg, 16kg, 24kg x 15, 15, 10

-shoulders weak and small, dammit.

Circuit 1B from "Bodyweight Power"

T-jumps/Bridge pulls/Circle Push ups.

18/10/5R+5L, 14/10/5L+3R, 11/10/5R+3L

3 circuits damn near left me on the floor. Brutal. I fell down after the last set of t-jumps and it took me 20 seconds to get back up.

Am kind of integrating Dan John's One Lift A Day stuff with some metabolic conditioning. Worked very well for me in the past.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Damn. Chained to Misery of the World

Deadlift: Worked up to 405x1 for 5 singles with 10 seconds rest in between, then 435x1, 455x1

-weird soreness in my pecs and jaw after this. I haven't deadlifted in at least 6 months, maybe more.

Bryce Lane's "Bodyweight Power" circuit 1A

-3 trips through

Sumo Power squats 20/10/14
Egyptian push ups 20/12/16
Bridge Crosses 10/5/7

HR was approximately 160 bpm immediately after the third circuit, and I am sweating and breathing like bastard.

I am going to follow the pattern of 1-2 big lifts followed by metabolic conditioning work for a while, and hopefully keep it up on a daily basis.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I am sick and tired of asswipes who have had everything handed them to on a silver platter blathering on and on about "adversity" and overcoming it.

These lame individuals feel that adversity is when they can't get a their double latte with chocolate in it in less than 10 minutes, and they always have some pseudo-scientific babble they ripped off some self-help or success guru to try to beef up their incoherent ramblings.

Who knows how to overcome adversity? You need to go no further than your nearest hospital and enter the children's areas. See those sick, sometimes terminall ill kids comfort their grieving parents and relatives, and being cheerful enough to make their nurses and doctors smile.

Kids are so resilient and positive. My own son Conner has had to overcome too much adversity in his short life. All I can do is watch him handle it and be humbled. Conner, buddy, you'll probably never read this but I am very proud of you and I want to congratulate you on your attitude and how you've kept coming back after all this crap that's happened.

We could all take a lesson from how kids handle this stuff: Roll with the punches, then go play.

Banjo & Sullivan

My boy Taggart, a formerly buff powerlifter dude, who's getting ready for a bodybuilding shot right now gave me the heads up on this goofy honky tonk CD.

Good stuff, good music, and worth more than a few laughs.

For those who don't know, Banjo and Sullivan are featured in Rob Zombie's new movie "The Devil's Rejects"

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It's Over

My son's radiation therapy is over, so I will no longer by driving to Ann Arbor thrice weekly. I'd like to give a shout out to all the valet's at the Gandy Dancer. WASSUP HOMIES!!!!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Bench Complex:

BP/Explosive Push Up:

225x5/5; 5 sets. 1 minute between pu and bp. 30 seconds between bp and pu.

-note: bp felt light (and they should, damn it.)

Shrug Bar series
1. Bent row
2. Bent shrug
3. Upright shrug row
4. Shrugs

2 45s on the bar, 10 reps each exercise, 3 circuits.

-note: surprisingly strenuous. lots of upper/mid back pump

KB and Abs circuit:
1. Windmills (L+R)
2. 1H OHS (L+R)
3. GHR sit ups

5 reps each side and on the GHR sits, 5 circuits. I am dripping with sweat and obliques and abs are burning

Smoked. Took a bit over an hour, and I was dicking a bit.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Why kbs?

I don't have the focus for heavy and skillful stuff.

Not right now. Shitty sleep, general stress, no motivation or willpower.

I am hammering on the CoC handgrippers. I am regularly closing my hard #2 (not everytime I pick it up, but enough so it's a noticable improvement).

Bob L would be so proud.

Ran through the Burgener 100 (see below) with the 16kg kb and then the 24kg kb.

-very tough on the lungs.
-conditioning is crap.
-my posterior chain and traps get sore from this.
-I need to pick up some cinderblocks to add ROM to the squat-pulls
-My kb snatches need work with the heavier bells.
-The B100 series would be a nice warmup, maybe in conjunction with some joint mobility. Maxwell's JM & R seems to be working well for me.

Did some ab work on the stability ball afterwards.

I am looking at 5:30 am metabolic conditioning workouts in the near future, followed by heavier work in the PM.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ugly, Slow, Weak

Did some benching today:

From the bottom start with the 2" bar: Up to 305. 315 was missed 3 times, once after each successful attempt at 305. Ugly. Weak. Slow

Regular bench via touch and go: 345x1. Ugly. Slow. Weak

Some rotator cuff work with bands.

Then I tried Mike Burgener's kettlebell circuit:

2H squat-pulls: 20
1H squat-pulls: 10+10
2H swings: 20
1H swings: 10+10
1H snatches: 10+10

I did that with the 16kg, with no rest. It wasn't super hard, but it sure got my breathing and heart rate up.

Then I did some other goofy crap I won't even mention.

I seem to be avoiding any kind of upper body work. OK. I'm avoiding any workouts at all.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Up and At 'Em

Jesus, been a long time since I've added anything. Nice session today though.

Squats: 135x20, 225x12, 315x5, 405x1, 425x1, 445x1
-heavier singles were easy, but slow...rock bottom depth.

OHS: Form and Flexibility work: 45x10, 10, 10

Kb windmills: 16kgx8, 25kgx8, 32kgx5
-for some reason, I really like these for core work and shoulder stabilization

RKC Armbars: 4kgx5, 8kgx5, 12kgx5
-mostly for pec stretching, shoulder stabilization

Standing abs: Light JSB: 20, 20, 20

Immediate goals:

1. Get through my son's radiation therapy without going insane. He's doing quite well though, and he's braver and stronger than me.
2. Get used to regular lifting again
3. Lose some blubber.

A quick note: I've been doing Scott Sonnon's Warrior Wellness beginner program for about 3 weeks now, trying to do the routine every day, either upon rising or before bed. I am noticably looser and it seems to be helping my shoulders. I add some of Pavel's Superjoint moves to the routine to help with extra shoulder and knee lubrication.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Bottom's Up

The exercise:

Axle bottom-start benches:
125x5, 215x3, 235x1, 265x1, 285x1, 305x1, 305x1, 315x1, 325x0

I was kind of surprised at the 315. I haven't done shit like this in so long, that I had no reference point.

Back and rear delt work was then done with the jumpstretch bands.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Conner, 2.5 weeks after Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 18, 2005

Starting up again

benches, chins, shoulders, bis and tris.

nothing to get excited about, but simply to start getting into it every day again.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Repetition Day

BP: 45x20, 135x15, 185x15, 205x10, 215x10, 225x10
Inc. BP: 135x5, 155x4, 175x3, 195x2, 215x1

-note, inc bp is a glaring weakness

Pushups with feet elevated and band pushdowns: 3 sets to momentary muscular failure

Shrug bar:
Bent over rows: 5 sets, 10 reps, 135lbs
Upright shrug/rows: 3 sets. 10 reps, 135lbs

Curls: 2 sets of easy 'heirarchial' style ascending work.

Abs: banded incline sit ups: This is an interesting and tough move, with resistance provided at the top. 3 sets of 9, 5, 4 using minis to provide resistance followed by 3 sets of standing abs with the light band.

I am very weak. I am out of shape. I need to start making consistent training a priority."

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Conner's new favorite t-shirt, from his buddy and mine, Nick M, a stuntman who worked on the movie in question. Conner says "Thanks Nick!" Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005


Conner's appointment at U of M was positive. The team handling the case answered my questions and took all the time we needed.

See the full report here:

Conner's Cranio Blog

I cut and pasted that from an email, so it looks a bit disjointed.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sunset, Saturday June 11th, Ludington State Park, Michigan Posted by Hello

Samara at Sundown Posted by Hello

Fun in the Sun Posted by Hello

The Weekend

Took some time out to head over to Ludington, MI, this weekend, which is on the west coast of the state.

If you've never been there, and you live in Michigan, you don't know what you are missing. The coastline between Ludington and the Ludington State Park is ~8 miles of fine sand beaches and dunes. Beautiful.

You can park your car out and walk down to Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan wasn't as cold as I expected, and I was in the water every day we were there. The in-laws have a cottage in town, and it's a great, inexpensive getaway for the whole family.

I needed a bit of time away from home to get my mind off stuff, anyway.

To Tagg and all those guys from his blog

Thanks for dropping by and for the words of encouragement.

I have started an informational blog here for Conner:

Conner's Cranio

Tomorrow we go and meet with a well respected senior pediatric neurosurgeon and a pediatric neurologist/oncologist down in Ann Arbor. The neurosurgeon is Dr. Karin Muraszko, who's the chair of the neurosurgery department at the U of M Medical School.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Exercise Helps

Exercise helps
The nervousness and anxiety regarding my son.

Today, outside, while the girl napped I did circuits.

1. kb drill (swings, c&js, snatches, windmills)
2. sled drag (heavy facing forwards and backwards)
3. bodyweight calisthenics (squats, push ups, burpees)

did about 4-5 circuits, wasn't paying attention.

and some sprints

Sweated a lot.

Felt good though, and it felt nice being outside.

This was conditioning work, and done at a high, albeit not Crossfit, level of intensity of effort.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Lifting Unmotivated

I am not motivated, but I need to lift.

Seated Overhead Pin Press w/no back support:

135x5 (harder than I thought. This is stupid weak)
155x5 (not bad, but not good)
175x3, 3, 3 (tough...not a maximal 3, but probably within the 85-90% 3RM range)

-This is an entirely new movement for me, and I am doing it because I lack the height in the basement for standing OHPs.
-Might have to move the pins down one hole.
-This also involves a bit of bach arching I'm not real comfortable, I'm going to keep it kinda light
-Grip? Approximately shoulder width, or ~1" wider each side.

Sled Drags outside. Forwards and Backwards. About 4-5 trips each way, going fast with little rest. Very winded.

Just an afterwards: I feel better now. Hot, winded, sweaty, but better. Exercise does help take your mind off the rest of the stuff going on that might be getting you down.

Thanks to my boys Riddle and BA for telling me to get off my ass and do something.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

One Moment, and Everything's Different

On Friday, May 27th, I learned my son Conner, pictured below, has a brain tumor. The pediatritian had ordered a CT scan because of his recurring headaches, on the off chance they'd find something.

They found what appears to be a classic craniopharyngioma. A slow growing and benign tumor that takes up space around the pituitary.

One moment, and everything changes.

That's all it takes.

Conner. 9 1/2 years old. Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Shaf's Gloryhole Basement Gym PR Squat

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Towel Chins

Amusing. On the last set of chins I grabbed a towel that way laying around and did the last set using it. It ripped midway through the third rep, and I barely got my feet under me in time.

Damn old 10 year old dish towel!



275x1/2/3, 1/2/3, x1/2/3

-successful completion of 3 ladders tells me to bump the weight up.

Why close grips? Greater ROM, less stress on my shoulders, overall, more valuable to me at this point in time.

Especially since I haven't made any board stacks yet (nor boxes, for that matter)

Goofy shit:
Axle CGBP with 2x light band from bottom position (note, axle is 35, not 45 lbs)
2x light band: 3 went all over, goofy as hell.
125 + 2x LB: 1 rep: stabler, but hard and slow
145 + 2x LB: 1/2 way up, then stalled
125 + 2x LB: 1 rep...easier than the first.

-calling it good enough for that.

Rows hanging from barbell with feet on the bench:
10, 10 (curl grip), 10

Chins: 3 sets of 3 (pathetic, I know)

Monday, May 23, 2005

Squat, Swings, Shrugs 5/23/05


wu: 135x5, 225x5, 315x5,
5s: 335x5, 355x5, 375x5 (this was kind of ugly, the last two reps - going to 3s), 3s: 395x3 (fatigue setting in-hard),
415x2 - 3rd rep was iffy, so I racked it at 2.

Not real happy with this. However, it'll take some time to get back. 2-3 minutes rest between heavier sets.

Shrug bar circuit
1. SB bent over rows
2. SB scap. rows
3. SB high row

Used 2 45s for the load. Did 10-15 reps each move. 3 circuits. 1-2 minutes rest.

Why? Call it prep work. Lost a bit of lean muscle in the back during the detraining, and I am experimenting with different movements to get it back.

1 handed KB swings:
32kgx5/5, x10/10 - this had me seriously winded

Kb windmills:
8kgx5/5, 12kgx5/5, 16kgx5/5 - windmills make my shoulders and hips feel happy

ghr situps: 6, 6, 6 - once again, might have to send this one back. I don't like the way this GHR feels

TKEs. Green band, 2 sets of 20

Friday, May 20, 2005

The Session

Well, everything went smoothly. I hit a 315 close grip bench, which I was pleased with, having detrained more than trained the last 9 months.

My shoulders are holding up well, which a attribute to the extensive prehab I've been doing for them, including the bent over shrug work.

We had an v-bar lift off.

The v-bar is a 1" piece of cold rolled steel with a small square plate welded to the end.

I eventually hit 250 with my left hand, Blob hit 230. Since he's the grip meister of the group (along with the Man from R.I.D.L), he was somewhat taken aback at my talent for this lift. Riddle hit around 185, proving that giant hands and overall hand strength apparently don't carry over to the v-bar.

Many wise cracks were made over the kettlebells. For example, Bob demonstarted several "hip opener" moves, and "shoulder opener" move, with the poods.

Sometimes there was too much pood to go around.


Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Shakedown

Tonight, I've got three friends coming over the check out the little basement gym I've put together. Sure, it's great for me, but lets see how it fits the 5'9" Blobert and the 6'4" Man from R.I.D.L. Cubby is, for all practical purposes, the same size as me, but with sexy hair.

Haven't seen Bob in a while, so we'll meander through the usual insults about gripgayness, bench press specialization buggery, and the utter slackness that has become my training lately. That's ok. I'm on a comeback trail. I'm not just starting from a dead stop, I'm laying on the ground, face down, with a 300# blue mohawked post-teen sitting on my back.

I am starting to run my mouth a bit over at Tagg's blog, which means sooner or later I'll have to put up, or shut up. That's ok. I need the pressure to build up. This last year I competed exactly once, and that was at an olympic lifting meet, of all things. I liked it, but I really have the temperment of a powerlifter, or strongman, or even a highland games guy, despite never done the HG gig.

There are some SM contests close by this summer, and I might consider hitting one, despite the difficulty of training for SM without the required implements.

So tonight I'm gonna talk some smack, lift some weight, grill some meat, and drink some beer.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Kelso Shruggery

Paul Kelso: Google the name if you don't know him. A long time contributor to the Iron Game.

His book is top notch. The baby and the wife have went to bed and now I am doing a bunch of light stuff with my shrug bar.

1. Bent over shrugs with the shrug bar
2. "High pulls" - not the full body movement, just the shrug and the arm pull
3. Light OHPs with the shrug bar

All feel pretty good.


My oldest, Gage, is 11 today.

DARC swings: 16kg x40, 30, 30
TGUs: 16kg x3, 3, 3 each side


135x10, 225x5, 315x3, 365x3, 405x1,1,1

-a slow start.

Messed around with the Draper squat thing Bob L loaned me.

In the Evening, hopefully I'll mess around with my reclaimed hex bar and axle.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Shoulders Tight

My shoulders are tight. They've been going this way for a while, and while I've been stretching pretty regularly, and doing cuff prehab, it's the most noticable when I squat.

Kind of sucks.

Windmills with kettlebells help, and so do the assorted jumpstretch band traction/stretches.

I guess I'll have to just keep hammering at it until it's better.

All I've done today so far is a bunch of stretches.

More later


Starting with the basics: The close grip bench press. Hand width about shoulder width.

Why? It needs to be rebuilt. I need the combination of pec and tricep stimulation combined with the full ROM. I am also tweaking my form by making sure my shoulders are pushed down and back into the bench.

My session today:

Close Grip Bench
Warmup: 135x10x3
Worksets: 225x1,2,3; 245x1,2,3; 265x1,2,3; 275x1,2,2
-The old power ladder rep and set scheme. I will probably do CGBPs 3-4 x weekly.

Chins, assorted grips: 5, 4, 3, 4

RC prehab/some abs/some Kelso shrug variations.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

A Man with a Plan

Hypertrophy. Just call me Sweet Stevie Hypertrophy. Wait. That's almost unbearably stupid. Thank you for not immediately killing me or calling me gay. (um...Editorial Note: All the homosexuals reading this blog, and you know there are plenty, take no offense. It's not very PC to use the term "gay" as a synonym for stupid, weird, odd or a bit off, but, hey, it's American Vernacular)

A run down.

My triceps: Decimated
My traps: Shrunken
My quads: Decrepit
My shoulders: Not cannonballs, more like grapeshot
My biceps: Not even work mentioning

Basically, I need to get everything back firing again.

I've decided I need to look like a lifter again.

This means heavy, devoted work to three different areas:

1. Traps. Nothing says "God of Power" like traps
2. Middle Back. Always been a weak spot. I am going to fix it good this time. No lat pulldown cop-outs, it's going to be a chin and row kind of equipment might limit you in some ways, but in others, its' liberating. Paul Kelso's "The Shrug Book" is going get a lot of use here as well.
3. Shoulders: This become problematic. I am going to experiment with jumpstretch bands for shoulder movements. I am also going to have to move to seated pressing, since the ceiling is too low for standing pressing. I will look at pictures of fat Anthony Ditillo pressing out of a half-rack for motivation. I need to be very careful here, not to mess up my shoulders. Balancing bench work and shoulder work is often tough for me. I am going to review some strandpulling literature as well. If you look at strandpullers, they often have outstanding shoulder development.

EDITORIAL NOTE: Kettlebells. I forgot about the kettlebells. There lots of potential shoulder moves there as well.

The future of olympic lifting for me doesn't look too promising. Don't get me wrong, I really like the olympic lifts, but will be limited in what I can do. No bumper plates + low ceiling = rough road ahead for jerks.

Nutrition is going to become a higher priority. I am getting too long in the tooth to leave that potential on the table anymore.

And for now, dear readers, good night.

Burnetto Jebus lookin' down on me

Range finding a bit today:

Worked with band set up for both bench and squat. The band pegs absolutely rock. They will also be dy-no-mite for pulling with the bands.

Did some close grip benches, light ones, and some curl grip chins. Surprisingly, I was getting 5-6 reps on the chins.

Rehab/Prehab shit.

Light cuff work with bands, some of the gay kettlebell "drawing and sheathing the sword" movements.

Those who lift in the morning definitely need to try out the "spinal flossing" shit I wrote about earlier in the blog. Makes the back feel nice and ready and warm.

TKEs with a medium band were done, and also some kind of brutal pec stretching. I am attempting to regain lost ROM. I am working on some kind of "knee flossing" movements, and TKEs seem to be a decent start for that.

More things I want/need: Blast straps and a swiss ball.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Feelin' Alright, Uh huh!

The Man from R.I.D.L. left me an black 20kg Ivanko barbell on my back porch while I was chowing down on some bbq at Famous Daves.

It's sitting in the rack now. I did a few squats with it, and if felt good. Feels kind of weird not squatting in front of a mirror, but, hey, I don't use a mirror in competition, anyway.

The Appolon's Axle, The Shrug Bar, and the pvc s wrist roller are waiting to be liberated from the MCC. They also have some of the old style York 45s, I might try to trade for.

Did some curls. Did some chins. Did some more squats with just the bar.

Thought about putting the heavy jumpstretch bands on the bar, and just "feeling" it, but decided against it for now. The band pegs on the bar are asking to be used.

I gotta get some more plywood and 2x4s for boxes, and some chain for suspended gms, and I will be good to go. Will also need to cut 1, 2, 3 board stacks for board pressing.

The park is mine, you fucks. The park is mine.

Bolted down and loaded up. Just need a bar now. Posted by Hello

Neglecting the Blog


I'm feeling a bit, lately. Enough to fuck with my sleeping patterns.

Some interesting opportunities have jumped into my path, and persuing them is both a battle against my own tendency to procrastinate and some very real financial barriers. There are also about 6 short stories I want to finish, and I need to hone the writing again, since it's stilted and stagnant.

Oh well. It'll happen or it won't.

My two goals this week:

1. Figure out small business financing
2. Get my basement gym together and start regular training again.

As far as #2, it's been too long.

1-2 sessions a week isn't enough. Never has been for me. Always done better with increased frequency as long as the quality's been consistent.

I have some other projects I'm considering, including an article or two for mi amigo Dan John's newsletter. I average about one article for him every 18 months or so. Most of them are kind of stream-of-consciousness rants about training, full of ideas, but somewhat incoherent.

As far as the home gym, this is what I'll have:

1. Rack
2. Adjustable bench
3. GHR-once again, there are some issues with it that I need to resolve.
4. Plates...lots and lots of plates
5. Kettlebells, 4kg, 8kg, 12kg, 16kg, 24kg, and a 32kg
6. Jumpstretch bands
7. 1-2 barbells
8. Dragging sled
9. Big tractor tire left over from my strongman days
10. Assorted grip work...Bob L is breathing a sigh of relief.

The big thing I need is dumbbells.


I think it'll be basic, WSB template kind of stuff, with the best of the kb moves thrown in. I'll probably divide the workouts into two sessions a day, first session will be the ME and Speed work, with ~4-5 hours rest in between, and the second session will be accessory and hypertrophy and metabolic conditioning work.

I haven't really pushed myself in training for a long time. I am going to make sure to get my eating habits in line, and see how it all falls out.

Sounds like a big commitment, for the original (and now only)member of the Midland Detraining Crew

Monday, May 09, 2005

The Rack: Assembled. Now all I need to do is bolt it down to the plywood and get a bar. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Evolutionary Blog (Art De Vany) -

Evolutionary Blog (Art De Vany) - "I have made new additions to the technology of Power Law training that
Robert refers to and they will also be in the condensed version to be
available. I have developed new ways to recruit fast twitch muscle
fiber in those muscles where they are most abundant. Based on a review
of most of the caloric deprivation literature, and an understanding of
the episodic nature of eating in a natural environment, I have also
found ways to time meals and exercise so as to trigger hormone drives
that give the essential benefits of extreme caloric deprivation (the
only known intervention shown to extend life) without the cost of
chronic hunger and loss of lean body tissue and metabolic rate."

Even tougher

I am in shitty shape. I started getting dry heaves from the simple circuit below.

This blows.

I want to go back to heavy lifting.


Tougher than I thought

OK, the metabolic conditioning when a little rougher than I thought it would.

My breakdown:

1. 16 kg kb thrusters: No problem, got the lungs and heart racing
2. Push ups: Started with 15 but was down to 5-6 at the end.

And so it begins, or not

Some metabolic conditioning:

1 kb thrusters: 16kg 10+10 (r then l)
push ups: 15

-10 rounds

This was kind of brutal on the lungs. The kb thrusters are interesting, and probably as tough, or tougher than regular thrusters with similar weight.

My gym is not assembled yet. The GHR needs some holes drilled into it, and some potential modifications of the toe plate and pad for optimal usage, and I don't have a bar or plates yet.

Monday, May 02, 2005

ghr Posted by Hello

rack Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Shaf's Blog

Shaf's Blog


Speed Bench with doubled minis (narrow/wide/medium grips)
135x3/3/3, 155x3/3/3, 175x3/3/3

-175 was slow as hell. The minis are also delaminating

JM Presses:

45x15, 15, 15, 15

-did these very light to get my elbows used to them again

Pushdowns with mini around neck:
-3 sets from 15 to 7 reps

DB PCs, Face Pulls, some biceps work


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Nasty Cold, Training

The l'il boss and I have nasty colds. Snot everywhere. We seem to be getting better, though.

My training yesterday sucked.

DL: worked up to a 455 single, and it was hard, and the movement felt crappy.

Shrugs, kelso shrug, cuff work

Ab work.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Little Boss and more yard work.

Shaf's Blog

She's killing me because she's teething and has a cold, so she's up all night. Holy crap.

Today I have 5-6 yards of topsoil to move around my yard via wheelbarrow. GPP my ass. This weekend was a rototilling extravaganza, and I can almost see the landscaping taking shape.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Busy or lazy

Too damn lazy to post anything lately. I did do pushups, bodyweight squats and ab work yesterday

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Little Boss Posted by Hello

A closer view of the Diabolical Yakuza Necklace Posted by Hello

Magic Yakuza Necklace. No messing. Posted by Hello

Shaf's Blog

The below picture is of the magic Phiten Titanium necklace and my favorite hunk of unweildy pig-iron.

2 Pood and Phiten Posted by Hello

Kirby and PowerMax Kettlebellls Posted by Hello

More KB work

Wife's travelling on business, so I can't really get away to the gym, so be prepared for more KB madness.

12 kg: 5 R, 5 L, 10 R, 10 L
16 kg: 5 R, 5L, 10R, 10L
24 kg: 5 R, 5L, 10R, 10 L
32 kg: 5R, 5L, 5R, 5L

-moving fast, not too bad, heavy breathing and sweating though

1 Arm KB row dropset (right arm, then left arm)
32kg/24kg/16kg x 8/6/5; x 8/4/4; x8/4/4

-this makes my poor detrained back burn. definitely always been a weak point though. making sure to squeeze the shoulder blades together.

1 Arm Presses:
32/24/16x5/5/5; x4/5/5; x3/5/5

-despite coach x's warnings, I like 1 arm kb presses. For some reason, this really, really put a cap on the session.

Ab work: vups, knee hugs, crunches, plank

Last known meet. Humiliation by a blue haired teenager takes a while to recover from. Posted by Hello

Magic Necklace


My new magic necklace is magic, I tell you!

A renegade, outlaw, whoremaster in the Far East sent me one.

To tell the truth, it might or might not have helped me with a stiff neck, and given me more vivid dreams.

Could be entirely placebo, but I DON'T CARE!

It's a great new Japanese fad, and I like it better than I like my kids Pokemon cards.

Actually, I prefer this Phiten dealer, because they are powerlifters, and I'd rather support a brutha then some moneygrubbing pricks I don't know.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Another Training session

Shaf's Blog

Spinal Flossing again, only one run through.

Then kbs again, why kbs, my fans ask? Because, right now, it's the only damn tool I have besides my jumpstretchy bands

-hack squats
-1 arm presses
-passthroughs (under and between legs, and around torso)

3 circuits

This is all part of my "get off your ass and do something each day" plan.

TKEs: 2 sets of 20

Abs (same as before)

Training Crap

Warmed up with "spinal flossing" (Spinal Flossing)

Then two sets of TKEs with the bands.

Then did some kettlebell stuff while the little boss was napping:

Circuit 1:

-shoulder presses
-ratchets (it's graduated lateral raises with a kb working in 3-4" ROMs from bottom to top)

3 runs through

Circuit 2:

from Resiliant

-hack squats/hip openers
-RKC armbars
-the funky triceps/chest opener deal

3 runs through.

Ab Circuit:

-legendary abs leg raises (two sets with 10 sec rest in between)
-crunches (Pavel style)
-russian twists
-plank hold

Just 1 run through.

The Weekend

I built a big swingset/clubhouse I got from Sams Club for the kids. Then I hauled 4 yards of sand through the fence to put underneath it.

Very spiffy. My father in law helped me out. I probably worked for 12 hours on Saturday and Sunday to get it done

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Mongolian Shitique

The new Ghengis Khan Mongolian BBQ opened up in Midland. I love Mongolian BBQ, so today I hit it for lunch with the boss and the little boss.

So did everyone else in Midland. If I would have known that I would be waiting 20 minutes in line to get my stuff on the grill I would have just went to my amigo Billy Bone's new BBQ joint.

Food wasn't bad, but service sucked and the interior design of the restaurant obviously didn't take into consideration the grotesque lunchtime rush.

A good friend of mine's brother manages the joint, but I wasn't able to try to schmoozle my way in for a free meal.

And, they charged me $3.99 for the little boss, who ate a handful of rice and two spoonfuls of my soup.

Maybe in a few months it'll calm down, but right now I say it's just not worth it. BD's Mongolian in Traverse City remains the best place to go, simply because there aren't any crowds there with the insane, Darwinian eatery competition up there.

400 Pound Trees and the Jellybean Conspiracy

A retraction may be in order. They might have only been around 300#.

They were heavy though. My wife wasn't helping with all her suggestions about where they should go, either. I was dragging them, one at a time, around on a tarp.

Anyway, they are planted now, and now I need to go water them.

Now onto the Jellybean Conspiracy. I have been conspiring to eat all of the jelly beans left over from Easter. However, my daughter has realized when she hears that bag rustle, that I am eating jellybeans, and will run into the room insisting that I give her one, too.

Tagg vs Shaf

~5'9", 220 or so
-full head of hair
-actually trains regularly
-totals ~250 lbs more than me
-is employed
-has 3 kids
-master of the fanny pack/pepper spray martial art

-5'11 1/2", 265 or so
-bald, goateed
-detrains regularly
-won't mention my total
-househusband livin' the dream muthafuka!
-has 3 kids
-master of the law mower throw

Green Tea, Yerba Mate, and Coffee

The wife likes green tea. So do I. Nobody I have ever met likes yerba mate except me. Its' referred to as "dirt tea" in my house. That's what it tastes like, insists everyone who's tried it.

Coffee: Now there's a drink. I love coffee. Fresh ground, fresh brewed pot of delight. But, since I've been drinking too much of it lately, I've been cutting back.

So, it's green tea this morning, then maybe some mate or coffee later.

Mate is, interestingly enough, a drop in coffee substitute for most people, which means you can wean yourself off coffee using the milder mate, and eventually drop any caffienated beverages entirely.

I make the tea and mate in the coffee maker anyway.

I am sure I'll become a bit more comprehensible as soon as some kind of stimulant hits the brain.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I am dedicating myself to the purpose of destroying Tagg's blog. He doesn't even know this is on the horizon yet.

Hey Tagg.


This is all your fault.

I Hate Yard Work

For all you goddamn haters, I just wrestled 2 400# pine trees about 35 yards across my lawn, dug huge holes in clay soil, planted those bastards and then cleaned up half the garage. My neighbors love to see a sweating, cursing bald man with his ass hanging out of a pair of cut-off sweats dragging shit around.

I only got into 2 fights with my wife and threw dirt on my daughter once.

I am covered with red pinpricks from the pine needles, and my damn biceps are still really sore from Monday's session.

Dragging pine trees around is better than kettlebell work, isn't it? 8 out of 9 P&B Secret Board members say it is. The ninth is a RKC, and doesn't want to upset the party line that much.

Filthy Tricks By Devious Canadians

That bastard Poliquin posted an article on T-mag called "Arm Yourself".

I tried the "Fixation/Insertion Super Set" method to see how it worked, but cut the volume by 1/3.

I am in agony. One more reason to mistrust Canadians.

The Art of Not Training

I am sitting here online, with the little girl napping, messing around with this blog instead of getting any kind of training in.

I could be doing kettlebell work. I could be stretching. I could be using my jumpstretch bands for assorted assistance work. I could be flipping tires and pounding them with sledgehammers. I could be dragging my sled.

I'm not.

Instead I'm sitting here.

I think that's 99% of my whole detraining problem.

I'll be glad when my gym is assembled.

Talking to yourself can be therapeutic.

Taylor and the Cage Match

Taylor wants to have an NHB style cage match in my backyard, after we both start training again. Instead of a cage, we are going to lay string down on my lawn. We'll have some of the drunken monkeys from the P&B stand around with folding chairs to bash the shit out of anyone who falls out of the stringed area.

I told Taylor he could have a moderately sized stick to break over my head. I will make sure it's dry and fragile. It'll be more for looks and cool photo ops than to deal any damage.

Testa suggested the loser do a rugby style anal boot. I suggest to Taylor that we get in the car, drive to Pennsylvania, and make Testa do the anal boot. I will make sure Taylor gets plenty of driving practice on the way down, too.

I expect there will be no cage match, though. The green haze of blissfulness has Taylor caught up in it's web. That's the danger of being too smart without any kind of ambition.

First things first

I obviously have developed a case of Blog envy. This blog will make Taggert's blog seem like a bad joke